domingo, 20 de febrero de 2011

Deliberaciones en torno a los juegos sociales

Recientemente se dio a conocer que la Junta de Clasificación de Juegos del país se está preparando para la próxima deliberación en torno a los llamados “juegos sociales” (tales como FarmVille, Mafia Wars, etc.), los cuales se distribuyen a través de la red social Facebook. La efectividad de dicha deliberación es, no obstante, seriamente disputada. La junta sostiene que hasta el momento ha monitoreado 284 juegos que deben someterse a escrutinio por parte de la entidad.
“Juegos sociales”
Se trata de juegos en línea que forman parte del servicio de redes sociales (SRS). En el caso de los juegos en línea, el usuario debe comprar o descargar el programa e instalarlo en su computador, con lo que se procede a formar comunidades de juego. Por otro lado, en el caso de los juegos sociales la comunidad está conformada por los usuarios del SRS, con lo cual tienen acceso a jugar de manera colectiva. Estos juegos en su mayoría requieren de poca capacidad de memoria y por lo general no necesitan ser descargados en el computador. Asimismo las reglas de juego suelen ser muy fáciles y las personas pueden ingresar al juego en cualquier momento que lo deseen. En este punto son muy similares a los juegos en red. Sin embargo, mientras que en los juegos en red los usuarios compiten unos contra otros por apoderarse de territorios, en los juegos sociales generalmente los jugadores deben cooperar para alcanzar metas comunes. FarmVille, el juego social líder del mercado, es un juego de simulación para la administración de una granja, el cual cuenta con más de 80 millones de usuarios mensualmente.
Previo a la deliberación
A partir del pasado noviembre la Junta de Clasificación de Juegos ha estado monitoreando todos los juegos accesibles en Corea a través de Facebook, sin importar que éstos se presenten en idioma coreano u otros. Como resultado, únicamente tres juegos obtuvieron una clasificación, por lo que dicha junta tienen planificado iniciar pláticas para determinar los procedimientos deliberativos con Facebook Corea.
[ Disputada deliberación ]
Junta de Clasificación de JuegosDe acuerdo a la ley coreana todos los juegos deben obtener una clasificación para poder ser distribuidos en el mercado local. Sin embargo, dadas las condiciones realistas del juego estamos considerando la aplicación de condiciones y regulaciones más severas.
IndustriaLa mayoría de los juegos de Facebook son desarrollados en el extranjero y el servicio Facebook no se brinda específicamente a países individuales, sino de una manera global. Es imposible pensar que la junta pueda regular todos y cada uno de los juegos que existen; además que está en duda el beneficio de tener una clasificación coreana. 
Actualmente se encuentra pendiente la aprobación de un anteproyecto de ley sobre el juego, en donde se estipula que aquellos juegos comunitarios que no sean adecuados para ser incluidos dentro de una categoría específica, deben pertenecer a una categoría independiente. A excepción del mercado abierto de juegos para teléfonos inteligentes, el estándar para definir cuáles son los juegos que pueden considerarse como juegos sociales, aún debe ser aprobado.

miércoles, 16 de febrero de 2011

Korean Mushrooms Occupies the Tables of the Swiss

The superior species and high production quality of Korean mushroom is proved through its great texture and taste, already having been renown overseas. Today Korean mushrooms have attracted the Swiss people being one of their favorite dishes.

Korean mushrooms spotlighted as high-quality food

Jelomli, a grand department store of Zurich, the largest city in Swiss has Korean mushrooms on their sales list, sold at the lower ground grocery section, along with a variety of other raw mushrooms. Here Korean king oyster mushrooms are sold by 30-40 franc per kilogram, quite expensive which is equivalent to 35,000 ~ 47,000 won in Korean dollars.

Swiss people, on sunny days, often enjoy barbeque parties with their family and friends sharing grilled meat and sausages, and the Korean king oyster mushrooms as the only vegetable to be added on the main grill list. Taken as a high-quality food item, the king oyster mushrooms are enjoyed for its bigger size and thick texture that is much suitable for a grill party compared to button mushrooms.

In Swiss, now it is not that difficult to meet these mushrooms from Korea in Swiss as they are not only supplied to department stores but also to Migros, the largest supermarket franchise in Swiss.

a Swiss restaurant in Itaewon, Korea> (Photo: Naver blog)

In Swiss, mushrooms are widely enjoyed by the people being one of the most popular food often used as an ingredient for sauces or even as main dishes. Regarding the sales of button mushrooms the amount of its consumption are 13,000 tons annually; 8,000 tons of raw mushrooms and 5,000 tons of cooked mushrooms. Here 7,000 tons of raw mushrooms are produced in Swiss and the import! rate of the total market consists of 15 percent. The Swiss people do seem to favor mushrooms a lot!

Cannot imagine a life without mushrooms!
  The Swiss people in love with mushrooms

Even the economic crisis did not stop the Swiss fondness for mushrooms. In the second half of 2008 when the economic situation was not favorable, consumers did not cease to spend money on mushrooms. In 2009, rather the total consumption increased adding 300 tons compared to the former year. In fact, the fastidious Swiss customers looking for the best qualities seem to continuously increase the needs for fresh mushrooms.

Button mushroom is the most largely produced and consumed one in Swiss, which is a very traditional kind. However, Asian kinds started to receive attention along with the rising popularity of foreign mushroom species. These days foreign mushrooms that have been introduced during the 1980~1990s including shiitake, king oyster mushroom, grifola frondosa are now receiving some spotlight. Especially shiitake is enjoying popularity being ranked second in the consumer preference.

It may be no surprise that Korean mushrooms with high quality and taste has successfully created its market in Swiss. It had past 3~4 years since Korean king oyster mushrooms joined the dishes of the Swiss dining table.

Now the annual amount of mushroom import!s are over two hundred million Korean won. This was possible by both continuous efforts put to improving species and through quality control.

In 2009 renowned chefs from all over the world have visited Korea to participate in the ‘Amazing Korean Table,’ and Korean mushroom was used by all chefs. A variety of mushrooms were grilled or slightly boiled to be used as ingredients or become the main dish itself.

The taste and flavor of Korea mushrooms seems to prove its real worth no matter where it is. As the Swiss fondness for mushroom continues the future of the Korean mushroom overseas market is expected to be positive; we hope to create a broader international market, in addition to Swiss, for all consumers who want high quality mushrooms.

The Medical Service Project Shares New Life and Hope!

Do you know much about the congenital heart disease? The disease is due to abnormal heart development before birth that requires postnatal medical treatment. It may lead to premature death if no appropriate surgery is operated, however a successful surgery can grant a new healthy life to a child.

Regrettably, there are many people who are in need of medical surgery but not all receive the opportune treatment. The high costs and lack of professional medical hospitals are doubling the burden. Fortunately, movements of medical support for the global neighborhood have been started, the ‘Korea Medical Service Share Project’ being one of them.

The Korean government financially supports children of neighboring undeveloped regions suffering from the lack of medical facilities by paying all expenses on their visit to Korea for medical treatment; Private medical institutions support the medical expenses by offering voluntary surgical operations. This year’s first patient is Danilya, a young boy from Russia.

A new life to a six-year-boy Danilya

The level of medical treatment of Korea is well recognized on the international level. The number of foreigners visiting Korea for medical surgery or treatment is increasing and every year new surgery method of Korea and its successful cases are introduced overseas.

The Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare has developed a project to position Korea as a global healthcare leader and promote voluntary services overseas.

The project is significant for being a public-private collaboration case while the Korean government provides financial aids covering flight fees and expenses during the stay and medical institutions covers the medical expenses. This year’s budget is 250,000,000 Korean won, which will be used to cure fifteen patients from the neighbors of Korea including China, Russia, Kazakhstan and so on.

Danilya, a six-year-old boy from Havarovsk, Russia was the first patient to meet the Korea Medical Service Share Project. Danilya was diagnosed as congenial heart disease and ventricular septal defect however the family could not afford a surgery and in fact no hospitals specializing in heart disease could be found near the village. It was grateful to receive Irina’s - the mother’s joy and appreciation when she heard the good news from Korea about the medical and financial support.

Sejong Hospital, specializing in heart disease, was responsible for the young boy’s surgery this time. The hospital has conducted about 900 free medical operations for children from twenty nations including Russia, China, Vietnam, and Iraq for the last twenty-nine years bringing new life to them. The hospital explains that it is time for Korea to give back the help it has received from their neighbors in the past and this medical service project could be one example of it.

Sharing the advanced medical technology of Korea with Russia

conducted by Korean surgeons at major Hospitals of Korea>

The operation process of Danilya was covered by RTR, the Russian public broadcasting media and will be broadcasted across Russia in March. ‘Pulse,’ RTR’s self-produced medical documentary program that usually deals with new trends in the medical field e.g. modern medical science, diagnosis and diverse diseases, and new medical treatments, will feature the story on Danilya in three parts. This may as well be a good opportunity for Korea to introduce its advanced medical technology.

In fact, RTR did not only take report of Danilya’s surgery but also covered the current medical technology for cancer, cardiac and vascular diseases, oriental medicine, brain and spine treatment of Korea in depth, introducing the excellence of Korean medical technology.

to a patient that will work as a real arm> (photo: The Joongang Daily)

The Korea Medical Service Share Project will actively continue to support the young patients of China, Kazakhstan and so on. ‘Medical Korea,’ a medical institution to operate free surgery, will be established and promoted through the local media. ‘Global Medical Service Share Corps’ program supported by Hanlyu celebrities will be carried out as well. We expect the project would gradually expand its activity reaching out to more regions and covering more diseases to be cured.

The project embraces the idea of coexistence and the global community. It is grateful for both, Korea who can be help and its neighbors who calls for help – the young children suffering from illness, and the parents who need support to afford medical treatment. A better global community can be upheld by being help for those who need a hand, and this project can be one way to practice the idea. We hope to see more medical institutions willing to donate their excellence in medical technology to bring new lives to our neighbors.

martes, 15 de febrero de 2011

El satélite multiusos surcoreano Arirang-2

El noveno satélite artificial surcoreano Arirang 2, lanzado el 28 de julio de 2006, experimentó entre el 11 y el 19 de enero de 2011 un ajuste en su inclinación con la meta de mejorar la resolución de las fotos satelitales. El satélite multiusos surcoreano no se encontraba perfectamente en plano perpendicular con el eje de rotación de la Tierra, de manera que el Instituto de Estudios Aeroespaciales de Corea decidió modificar su inclinación un poco más hacia la izquierda, adoptando una inclinación de 98,13 grados. La reciente modificación angular ha proporcionado una mejora en la iluminación y eficiencia del satélite para transmitir imágenes más precisas del planeta. El Arirang 2, fruto de 7 años de trabajo, es capaz de sacar fotos del planeta con una resolución de 1 metro en imágenes en blanco y negro y de 4 metros para las imágenes de color. Se trata de un nivel que permite distinguir los coches y autobuses desde 685 kilómetros de altitud con una resolución espacial de 1 metro. Corea se coloca en el sexto o séptimo lugar en cuanto a tecnología de satélites. Se prevé que en 2011 el dispositivo finalice su operación y sea reemplazado por el Arirang 5.

lunes, 14 de febrero de 2011

Peores nevadas en un siglo colapsan costa de Corea del Sur

Peores nevadas en un siglo colapsan costa de Corea del Sur
Fuente: EFE
Las nevadas más fuertes tuvieron lugar el fin de semana en la provincia nororiental de Gangwon, donde el gobierno ha movilizado hoy a más de 22.000 efectivos y unas 1.750 máquinas quitanieves para tratar de limpiar autopistas y carreteras.

Al menos 146 viviendas situadas en aldeas remotas de esa provincia permanecen aisladas por tercer día consecutivo a causa de la nieve, que en algunos lugares alcanzó un metro de altura, según Yonhap.

La ciudad de Gangneung, una de las principales en la costa oriental surcoreana, recibió más de 77 centímetros de nieve en un solo día, el máximo desde que la Agencia Meteorológica comenzó a documentar las nevadas, en 1911.

Según las estimaciones iniciales, desde este fin de semana las nevadas han causado daños por unos 4.800 millones de wones  (cerca de 3,1 millones de euros, 4,2 millones de dólares) , aunque se teme que la cifra aumente a medida que se comprueben los daños en las zonas aisladas. La alerta por la posibilidad de fuertes nevadas se mantiene en cinco ciudades de la costa oriental, que podrían recibir hasta medio metro de nieve en las próximas horas, según la Agencia Meteorológica surcoreana.

También el sur del país se ha visto afectado por el temporal, que ha obligado a cerrar escuelas y carreteras y a cancelar cerca de 80 vuelos en el Aeropuerto Internacional de Busan por la escasa visibilidad. En esa ciudad portuaria han caído casi 7 centímetros de nieve en las últimas horas, otro máximo desde que comenzaron los registros meteorológicos, en 1904.

También en la localidad de Ulsan, cerca de Busan, se batieron los récords históricos al registrarse 13 centímetros de nieve que obligaron a cancelar las clases en las más de 400 escuelas de la ciudad.

viernes, 11 de febrero de 2011

El Palacio Gyeongbok-gung, renace el corazón de la dinastía Joseon

El palacio Gyeongbok-gung, fundado en 1395 por el rey Taejo Yi Seong Gye, renació el 15 de agosto de 2010 al finalizar la primera fase del proyecto de restauración de esta casa real que fue el seno de la dinastía Joseon. Cabe señalar que dicho proyecto, llevado a cabo desde 1990 hasta 2010, comprendió 5 etapas: el primer paso fue restaurar las habitaciones del rey y la reina; después los edificios del príncipe del trono; la tercera etapa consistió en reconstruir la zona circundante a la puerta de Heungryemun y luego el Taewonjeon, que es el edificio donde se guarda el retrato del rey Taejo; y finalmente la puerta Gwanghwamun entre otras construcciones, por lo que se han restaurado un total de 125 construcciones. Esta cifra representa tan solo un 25% de los edificios originales de la época en que gobernaba el rey Gojong, en la que se erigían alrededor de 500 estructuras.
Uno de los resultados más significativos de esta ardua labor por recobrar el rostro original del pasado ha sido la rectificación de las distorsiones históricas sufridas durante la época colonial japonesa, cuando fueron destruidos un gran número de edificios y trasladadas varias construcciones simbólicas del palacio de gobierno de la dinastía Joseon. Entre las restauraciones realizadas destaca la vuelta a su lugar original de la puerta Gwanghwamun y el desmantelamiento del edificio de la Gobernación Japonesa. La segunda fase del proyecto comienza a partir de 2011 y concluirá en 2030, con el objetivo de recuperar el antiguo rostro y simbolismo emblemático del palacio Gyeongbok-gung como el corazón de la dinastía Joseon y que goce así de un mayor prestigio mundial.

Facebook mejorará la protección de datos a petición del Gobierno surcoreano

Facebook, el servicio de red social virtual más extendido del mundo, mejorará su sistema de protección de datos personales en lo que concierne a sus suscritos surcoreanos, a petición del Gobierno de Seúl.

La Comisión de Comunicaciones de Corea dio a conocer el jueves 20 de enero que remitió en diciembre un documento al cuartel general de Facebook en Estados Unidos, exigiendo la optimización de su sistema de control de privacidad. 

A esta demanda los administradores de Facebook respondieron que establecerán un procedimiento para indicar a los suscritos de habla coreana que sus datos personales serán recopilados por el sitio. Asimismo, en caso de que la información sea proporcionada a terceros, avisará del uso que se le dará y el tiempo por el que esos datos permanecerán en posesión de otros. 

La Comisión de Comunicaciones agregó que, después de la petición hecha por el Gobierno surcoreano, Facebook comenzó a publicar también en coreano el aviso sobre el manejo de información personal, que sólo estaba en inglés. 

Es la primera vez que un operador de servicios de Internet extranjero acepta los términos y las exigencias del Gobierno de Corea del Sur. 

Velocidad de internet en el mundo

Corea del Sur, tercero en desarrollar un acelerador lineal de protones de alta energía

El Instituto de Estudios Atómicos de Corea desarrolla con éxito un acelerador lineal de protones de alta energía. Cabe señalar que tan solo dos países más disponen de esta tecnología que puede acelerar los protones hasta alcanzar una energía de 100 millones de electrón-voltios. Los aceleradores poseen funciones similares a los aceleradores de los coches, ya que sirven para controlar la velocidad -en este caso, la velocidad de los protones-. El acelerador lineal de protones de alta energía sube la velocidad de una multitud de protones mediante la aplicación de un campo eléctrico en un conjunto de tubos de cientos metros de largo. Su máxima tensión de aceleración es de 100 mega-voltios, es decir ,100 millones de electrón-voltios y 20 miliamperios. Los protones pueden alcanzar una velocidad de hasta 130.000 kilómetros por segundo, lo que sería dar tres vueltas al planeta en tan solo un segundo. En los tubos del dispositivo, esta masa de pequeñas partículas llamadas protones colisiona con otros elementos dando lugar a otras partículas y permitiendo llevar un estudio más profundo en torno a las nuevas partículas generadas y el proceso de colisión. En otras palabras, se trata de un microscopio gigante. En esta línea, los aceleradores de partículas son los instrumentos más apropiados para desarrollar nuevas tecnologías y estudiar el mundo de pequeñas dimensiones, aplicables a las áreas de la nanotecnología, bioingeniería y medicina, entre otras.

Secret Garden, the TV Drama is not to end

Secret Garden, a Korean TV drama that won favorable attention from the audience for the actors’ excellent performance and its famous lines, has just come to end. As the TV drama of the moment generating a lot of talks, not only its storyline but also the fashion, props and even NG takes became a great interest among the fans.

In particular, the location sites of the TV drama where the main characters’ scenes have been taken were what aroused the audiences’ curiosity the most. Let us have a closer look to the places Secret Garden invited their fans; the workshop location where Joo Won (Male leading charater) and Lime (female leading character) looked through the eyes of love of each other, Jeju hotel site where the two souls were switched and Petite France where the couple has first met.

Petite France, Joo Won first meets Lime

Do you remember the place where Joo Won first meets Lime, mistaking her as Park Chae Rin who Oscar asked to find for him? The romantic and fairytale village that often appears on TV or movie screen is from Petite France, a French village located in Gapyeong-gun Cheongpyeong-myeon, Korea.

The place combined with Goseong Youth Training Center, has sixteen French-style architectures and provides various activities to experience French culture during the stay. The site has a gift shop themed on Little Prince, a representative novel of a renowned French writer Antoine Marie Roger de Saint-Exupéry and a gallery where an exhibition on the theme cock - the symbol of France is on show. Every month they have various events offered, so it would be worth to check out the website at for more information before your visit.

The Seaes hotel in Jeju, the two souls switch their bodies

At the beautiful blue seashore, Joo Won and Lime confronts their destiny that inevitably ties their relationship; their souls switch bodies of each other. This happened right at the Seaes hotel in Jeju, a place of traditional and sophisticated aesthetic where Joo Won frequently visited for his stay. Later the switched souls returned back to their bodies with a kiss, and the bench on which they sat on at that moment as well can be found at this hotel site. The hotel located by Jungmun seashore, Seogwipo-si is a special resort hotel which embraces the beautiful scenery and taste of traditions of Jeju.

The Seaes hotel is unique for keeping the regional features of the traditional housing culture of Jeju i.e. Doldam (traditional gates built with stones) and traditional straw-roofed houses. The guest rooms have private terraces where sunrises and sunsets can be seen and facilities such as open gardens and outdoor pools are offered for the guests. Even Traditional Han Room, a private villa house is offered as a guest house for those who want more privacy during the stay while two types, Ko-dang and Cho-dang is available.

In addition, eight Jeju Olle courses that pass by the hotel is another benefit. This well shows how much the hotel harmonizes with the natural environment. For the excellent scenery, besides Secret Garden, it has a number of TV dramas that took location at the site; Boys Before Flowers, The Snow Queen, and Sorry I Love You. It surely is one of top attractions of Jeju.

Visit the Shelter of nature

Lime and her action training academy, for a workshop, visit the villa the top 1% rich man, Kim Joo Won owns. During the stay, Joo Won stares at Lime with love while she is sleeping; this moment was appreciated as one of the best scenes that excited many fans of the couple.

The scene where the two had a walk with beautiful fallen leaves the following day and the starry nights they spend together was shot at the newly opened Resom Forest at Jecheon city, Chung-buk. As Joo Won has explained to the investors inside the TV drama, the resort aims a resort of nature itself. The site shall cure the exhausted minds and bodies of the tired city people being full of dozens of trees and wild flowers, including a 150 year-old pine tree.

Resom Forest has a number of beautifully named paths; Sosori Baram-gil, Poreureu Solrae-gil, Gajaegineun Goljjack-gil, and Sanbaragi Neungseon-gil and so on. Especially the path the two main characters had a walk together is now entitled as ‘Secret Road,’ sending best wishes to all loving couples who walk the path together. There are also health programs through a walk in the forest such as ‘walking meditation’ and ‘walking the Resom Dule-gil path’ inviting everyone, men and women of all ages to the forest. 

Secret Garden made the romantic comedy TV genre, after a six-year period, to win back the top TV audience rating, but would not the real location sites be even more romantic than the TV drama? The healthy, beautiful places with interesting narratives located in every corners of Korea are in fact the secret locations for us. Secret Garden, the TV drama is over but why not visit one of the celebrated sites and enjoy or own secret gardens instead?

K-Pop growth into the States, the heart of pop music

In the 70s and 80s young Koreans listened to American pop music admiring the American pop stars, however in 2010 the picture seems to have changed. Hanlyu (the Korean wave) in Japan and Thailand is now moving on to the Northern America; Korea is now receiving fair attention from their American fans enjoying Korean pop music. The fandom of Korean pop music (K-pop) is growing beyond its region reaching to America and Europe, the heart of pop music. 

Hip hop, R&B, electronic dance and etc. has originated from the Western cultures, yet these genres have been interpreted by Asian sentiments in Korea and developed a unique style of pop music. It then has been introduced back to the global market; it is pop music but from Korea. A recent research on K-pop video views statistics on YouTube, a global video-sharing website, well illustrates this phenomenon.

Hanlyu in America

The Korea Daily (Korea Joongang Daily USA) totaled the views of K-pop video clips on YouTube of year 2010, which counts those of netizens from 229 nations. 923 video clips of Korean pop-stars who belong to Korea’s top three major entertainment management agencies were analyzed and 793,570,000 was its total hits; by continents, views from Asia was 566,270,000, Northern America 123,470,000 and Europe 55,370,000. While Asia showed the largest number of views yet an increase of those in the US is shown: the number, 94,870,000 views in total, ranked third following Japan (113,540,000 views) and Thailand (99,510,000 views).

(reference: Joongang Daily)

In fact, this is not that surprising if we take a look to rising K-pop starts receiving attention overseas. Recently Wonder Girls, a representative K-pop girl group success example in the overseas market, performed on the legendary funk band - Earth Wind & Fire’s 40th debut anniversary opening stage receiving favorable response from the audience.

Wonder Girls earlier performed the opening stage of a mega concert of which top musicians of America including Stevie Wonder had participated; there they received enthusiastic response for their songs Nobody and Tell Me while some fans following their song and dances. With their hit song Nobody, Wonder Girls became the first K-pop start to have their song ranked on the Billboard Hot 100 in 2009 and as well had been introduced by Chicago Tribune, one of the 10 major newspapers in the US, on their daily paper and online site.

(photo: Naver Blog)

After the success of Wonder Girls other K-pop singers has been active to enter the overseas music market. JYJ a boy group of three members separated from the previous Dong Bang Shin Ki is planning to release their first regular album in the US. In fact they are the first Korean singer to make a contract with Warner Music, one of the top three major recording labels in the world; Warner will produce and distribute JYJ’s first US album and Kanye West, a renowned musician and producer will be participating. For such reasons even before its release this album received great attention introduced on the main page of Billboard magazine online.

In addition, BoA, who already has a bigger fandom in overseas as a singer will this time  play the main role in Duane Adler’s – a renowned screenwriter of ‘Step up’ and ‘Save the Last Dance’ - new film as an actress.

Why K-pop?

Actually America has much more variety of popular culture; then what makes it possible for K-pop seem to do quite well while American pop world has been dominant? We hear from one American fan, Savannah Daniel who visited Korea to meet her favorite K-pop star G-dragon (a member of Big Bang, a K-pop boy group). She explains her fondness for K-pop is the powerful rhythm and the passion of dances compared to American pop. Last December 26, she finally met her favorite K-pop star happily leaving back to America.

and Top, members of Big Bang>

Song Gi-chul, a pop music critic explains the rising popularity of K-pop overseas due to its matching musicality to American pop while discovering more talented singers. According to Song, for such reasons K-pop was able to attain positive attentions from overseas.

K-pop video hits on YouTube is increasing not only in America but also other countries, which it fact indicates possibilities of K-pop to be successfully introduced to other parts of the globe, besides Korea and besides the States this time. For example, people from Middle East countries e.g. Egypt (630,000 views), Kuwait (414,000 views) and other relatively exotic countries e.g. Montenegro (220,000 views), New Caledonia (140,000 views) and Guadeloupe (10,000 views) were even watching some K-pop videos on YouTube.

With a more organized and helpful support we hope to see more K-pop and K-pop singers to be enjoyed by many fans overseas this year.