miércoles, 29 de diciembre de 2010
miércoles, 15 de diciembre de 2010
The Times 50 Best Inventions of 2010
The Paris Motor Show, one of the world’s four major auto shows, was held from October 2 to 17, 2010 at the Paris Expo. If the Geneva Motor Show in March introduces newly launched cars of the year, then the Paris Motor Show in the autumn showcases models that are to be launched the year after.
The theme of the Paris Motors Show 2010 was “eco-friendly.” Eco-friendly has now become such a preval!ent trend worldwide, especially with the EU’s reinforcement of regulations regarding carbon emissions control.
Eco-friendly vehicle invented by KAIST
The Online Electric Vehicle (dubbed OLEV) manufactured by the Korea Advanced Institute of Technology (KAIST) was included in the 50 Best Inventions of 2010 published by The Times, along with Apple’s iPad, Google’s Driverless Car, Sony’s Alpha A55 Camera and others. Also included was the English-Teaching Robot invented by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST).
In the OLEV are embedded electric power strips that provide electromagnetic power to the vehicle, wirelessly, charging an onboard battery and powering the bus’s electric motor.
The Times introduced the OLEV as an advanced green growth technology that could speed up the commercialization of electric cars and also as the world’s one and only online electric vehicle.
The system’s creators at the KAIST say, “The technology not only eliminates pollution, but also alleviates the problems usually associated with hybrid vehicles such as heavy batteries, lengthy charging and limited range.”
Korean technology opens up a new horizon
The OLEV has been on a test operation since last March at the Seoul Amusement Park. It was also presented during the G20 Seoul Summit in November in front of COEX, garnering outstanding reviews. Furthermore, the vehicle is scheduled to be featured next month in the TV program “Into the Future” of Discovery channel.
The OLEV received mixed reviews in the early stage of its development. Although it is an innovative technology that was meant to pursue both green growth and economic profit, some voiced the car’s low practicality as the cost of planting electric power strips under the pavements would be quite steep. Nonetheless, its inclusion in The Times list is without a doubt a distinct acknowledgement of its potential.
The English-Teaching Robot
The other Korean item that made in the Times list is the English-Teaching Robot nick-named “Mero,” developed by the Korea Institute of Science and Technology (KIST).
The robots can move in any direction and can follow human facial expression!s. They are not only effective teachers, but the students also enjoy interacting with their new, fun, and cool school “staff.”
While the robots are used primarily in support roles for real human teachers, the Time Magazine called them a “job terminator,” saying they could potentially replace the native speakers currently employed in Korean schools.
Although there remain issues of economic feasibility as well as ethics, both inventions indicate excellent capacity of Korean universities as future leaders of world science and technology.
Foreign Journalists Visit Jeju Olle Road
Twenty Seoul-based foreign journalists on last November 19 and 20 visited the Jeju Olle Road as part of their Jeju Press Tour program sponsored by the Korean Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.
Traditional Jeju Culture and Haenyeo (sea women)
The twenty foreign journalists, though still somewhat fatigued from the intense reporting they had for the G20 Seoul Summit, participated in the Jeju tour with great zeal and curiosity, especially for the much talked about Olle Road and Jeju haenyeo.
On the first day of their tour, Jeju greeted the journalists with an unusually clear, azure sky and a picture-perfect coast line.
At the center of attention in the tour was, of course, the haenyeo – Jeju’s sea women. A journalist for Tokyo Newspaper expressed his special interest for Jeju haenyeo, saying although Japan also has something like sea women he had never seen the Jeju haenyeo. As four, five haenyeo dove into the sea and began their “sea-picking” routine, the group of visitors all flocked to the water in excitement to take photos.
Haenyeo dive into 20m deep into the ocean and collect sea products, holding their breath for as long as two minutes. Holding breath is hard enough; but doing that in the middle of cold sea water, swimming AND collecting things? What an amazing feat!
As one of the haenyeo, a 76-year-old sea veteran, pulled out of the water and showed a “domchi” which is a very rare catch, a big applause erupted among the journalists. The elderly haenyeo has been sea-picking since the age of 15.
But sadly, what used to amount to 15,000 Jeju haenyeo has now plummeted to a mere 5,600. And most of them are in their sixties and seventies. Those in their thirties are just a handful now, less than a dozen.
pulled out of the water and showed a 'domchi'>
Perfect Harmony of the Sea and the Cliffs
The foreign journalists were once again amazed and awed by the beauty of Seongsan Ilchulbong, a peak that rose from under the sea in a volcanic eruption over 100,000 years ago.
Seongsan Ilchulbong is located on the eastern end of Jeju Island and there is a huge crater at its top. With the 99 sharp rocks surrounding the crater, it looks like a gigantic crown. While the southeast and north sides are cliffs, the northwest side is a grassy hill, forming a truly distinctive ambience.
The journalists concluded their first day with a visit to Chyeonjiyeon Waterfall, and their second day was finally the much anticipated Olle Road.
The Olle walking path opened its first route in 2007 and is now furnished with 22 routes of 357km. In the local Jeju dialect, “Olle” was originally used to refer to the narrow path between the street and one’s doorstep. The hiking trail was founded by Myung-Sook Suh who was inspired upon hearing from a certain English tourist that he had healed his hurt soul walking the Jeju roads.
The route the journalists trod that day was Route 10 which is a course a little more taxing than a leisurely walk. You will be able to enjoy a scenic view of cliffs and the ocean. This particular route was declared as “Jeju Olle-Switzerland Friendship Road” last April upon establishing an MOU with the Swiss tourism administration. After the good amount of exercise followed, of course, a sumptuous meal composed of just-caught Jeju sea food and makgeolli.
At the end of the delightful tour, the journalists expressed their wish for having more nature-oriented tourist spots like the Jeju Olle Road. Although they may be somewhat less convenient than those equipped with first-rate technology and amenities, sometimes what we want these days are places that are preserved as they originally were – somewhere we can rest and heal our jaded souls.
lunes, 29 de noviembre de 2010
Korean Grafted Cactus Fascinates the World
Let us pay some attention to the newly developed Korean grafted cactus that comes under such sweet names as “seolhong,” “hoohong,” and “saekdong.”
The usual association with cactus is some thorny, misshapen, rough-looking plant standing under the scorching sun in the desert.
Well, time to shatter that association.
The grafted cactus of Korea comes in numerous splash colors (red, pink, yellow, orange….) and sizes (a cute little cauliflower-like thing the size of your fist!).
The Rural Development Administration(RDA) exhibited its newly developed grated cactus at the horticulture fair held last November 11. The Korean grafted cactus has been garnering excellent reviews from the worldwide horticulture market with its annual volume of export exceeding USD 2 million to over 30 countries including the U.S. and the Netherlands, the leading floriculture nation.
At the flower fair, a series of rigorous eval!uation was conducted on the presented cactuses including how vivid the color is, how firm it is, its capacity to produce “baby” plant, its commercial potential and so on.
After passing through a set of meticulous tests and screening, 4 qualified cactuses will be selected to be distributed to the farms. Then they will first undergo a test production to be followed by mass cultivation. The RDA aims at USD 3 million annual export by 2012.
Well, at this rate, not reaching for stars!
Korea on the Road to First Class
Chairwoman Lee Bae-Yong of the Presidential Council on Nation Branding on November 15 gave a lecture for the KBS program “The Road to First Class.”
The lecture was on the subject of Korea’s nation brand and the impact of the G20 Seoul Summit.
“Made in Korea” Impact
“Despite the increasing sales of Korean products globally nowadays,” Chairwoman Lee explained, “they still get about a 30% discount compared to similar products made by some other nations because of Korea’s undervalued nation brand.”
Giving examples of French perfume and wine which are products backed up by the country’s strong nation brand, Lee emphasized the importance of nation brand in generating economic profits.
“We need to work on increasing trust and preference for so-called “Made in Korea.” Also, it is getting more and more important nowadays to have strong “software” such as cultural content, human resources and spiritual values as well as hardware.”
Lee also touched upon Korea’s numerous timeless cultural heritages, saying, “I wish to share Korean values and spirits that are imbued in those historic and cultural legacies with the world. Korea’s astounding growth in the 20th century was made possible only because it was backed up by such virtues as harmony, sharing, communication, regards for life and nature.”
“To raise Korea’s nation brand, it is important to have active civic participation. The Council will make best efforts to achieve the goal with 5 major areas of work that we designated which include contributing to the international community, cultivating global citizenship, promoting multiculturalism, developing attractive culture and tourism, and showcasing advanced technology.”
“Korea, as seen in its age-long history and countless cultural relics, has admirable spirits – perseverance, cooperative and pacifist inclination, modesty, warmhearted regards for others. It is important that we remember these timeless virtues of ours,” Lee stressed.
* Chairwoman Lee Bae Yong’s lecture on the program “The Road to First Class” (aired on November 20) can be viewed at the following web page:
lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010
Comienza la mayor feria de videojuegos de Corea del Sur
SEÚL. La mayor feria de videojuegos de Corea del Sur, G-Star, comenzó hoy en la ciudad de Busan con la presencia de más de 300 compañías y la aspiración de convertirse en una de las grandes citas de la industria en Asia.
La feria, que se celebra hasta el domingo próximo, busca resaltar el “valor cultural” de los videojuegos, según la agencia Korea Creative Content, promotora del evento. Por eso el G-Star no solo exhibe las novedades en juegos online, que gozan de una enorme popularidad en Corea del Sur, sino que también deja espacio a los videojuegos educativos y eventos paralelos relacionados con este sector, indicaron los organizadores.
Unas trescientas empresas de una veintena de países están representadas en la feria, que este año espera superar el récord de 240.000 visitantes que logró el año pasado.
Entre los grandes nombres figura Sony Computer Entertainment, que entre otras cosas presenta en la feria de Busan su mando alternativo PlayStation Move, que traslada a la pantalla gracias a una pequeña cámara los movimientos del jugador.
Por su parte, Microsoft Corp. muestra en el G-Star su revolucionario periférico Kinect, un dispositivo para la Xbox360 que permite interactuar con los contenidos en pantalla con el simple movimiento de una mano.
Entre los que más expectación ha levantado está el fabricante estadounidense Blizzard Entertainment, autor de StarCraft, el videojuego más popular en Corea del Sur, donde se han llegado a organizar competiciones televisadas entre sus jugadores. En la feria también participan nombres surcoreanos de la industria como NCsoft, NHN, Hangame, Nexon o WeMade.
Corea del Sur es uno de los países con mayor afición a los videojuegos del mundo, gracias en parte a la difusión y bajo coste de las conexiones a internet de banda ancha.
Según datos oficiales, más del 50 por ciento de los abonados a internet de banda ancha utilizan la red para conectarse a juegos online.
Unas trescientas empresas de una veintena de países están representadas en la feria, que este año espera superar el récord de 240.000 visitantes que logró el año pasado.
Entre los grandes nombres figura Sony Computer Entertainment, que entre otras cosas presenta en la feria de Busan su mando alternativo PlayStation Move, que traslada a la pantalla gracias a una pequeña cámara los movimientos del jugador.
Por su parte, Microsoft Corp. muestra en el G-Star su revolucionario periférico Kinect, un dispositivo para la Xbox360 que permite interactuar con los contenidos en pantalla con el simple movimiento de una mano.
Entre los que más expectación ha levantado está el fabricante estadounidense Blizzard Entertainment, autor de StarCraft, el videojuego más popular en Corea del Sur, donde se han llegado a organizar competiciones televisadas entre sus jugadores. En la feria también participan nombres surcoreanos de la industria como NCsoft, NHN, Hangame, Nexon o WeMade.
Corea del Sur es uno de los países con mayor afición a los videojuegos del mundo, gracias en parte a la difusión y bajo coste de las conexiones a internet de banda ancha.
Según datos oficiales, más del 50 por ciento de los abonados a internet de banda ancha utilizan la red para conectarse a juegos online.
miércoles, 17 de noviembre de 2010
Jóvenes se organizan en Corea para celebrar el Bicentenario
Becarios paraguayos que estudian en Corea, ex voluntarios de KOIKA y jóvenes de este país interesados en la cultura paraguaya, realizaron una reunión para conformar el grupo “Jóvenes del Bicentenario Paraguayo en Corea”. Programarán las actividades conmemorativas al acontecimiento.
Entre los puntos tratados, los jóvenes abordaron la iluminación de la “Seoul Tower” con los colores patrios, así como la confección de remeras distintivas para los miembros del grupo.
También acordaron habilitar cuentas en redes sociales para recabar y difundir ideas para las celebraciones.
En este sentido, habilitaron una fan page en Facebook. Mientras que los contactos se podrán realizar a la dirección de correo electrónico: claudiasnb@hotmail.com.
Durante el encuentro de becarios paraguayos, ex voluntarios de KOIKA y jóvenes interesados en el Bicentenario paraguayo también se presentó el libro “Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales del Paraguay”, escrito por Ricardo Scavone Yegros y Liliana M. Brezzo.
La reunión se realizó en la Residencia del Embajador Paraguayo en Seúl.
Los festejos del Bicentenario Paraguayo están siendo coordinados por la Embajada del Paraguay en la República de Corea con el apoyo de la Asociación de Amistad Paraguay - Corea, la Asociación de Paraguayos en la República de Corea, la Cámara de Comercio Paraguay - Corea (E.F), los Jóvenes por el Bicentenario Paraguayo, la Fundación KAYA, el Consejo del Bicentenario Paraguayo (que se conformará el próximo 19 de noviembre del corriente) y la empresa Chungbo. Por su parte, la empresa CJ Corporation auspiciará la iluminación de la Torre de Seúl.
Entre los puntos tratados, los jóvenes abordaron la iluminación de la “Seoul Tower” con los colores patrios, así como la confección de remeras distintivas para los miembros del grupo.
También acordaron habilitar cuentas en redes sociales para recabar y difundir ideas para las celebraciones.
En este sentido, habilitaron una fan page en Facebook. Mientras que los contactos se podrán realizar a la dirección de correo electrónico: claudiasnb@hotmail.com.
Durante el encuentro de becarios paraguayos, ex voluntarios de KOIKA y jóvenes interesados en el Bicentenario paraguayo también se presentó el libro “Historia de las Relaciones Internacionales del Paraguay”, escrito por Ricardo Scavone Yegros y Liliana M. Brezzo.
La reunión se realizó en la Residencia del Embajador Paraguayo en Seúl.
Los festejos del Bicentenario Paraguayo están siendo coordinados por la Embajada del Paraguay en la República de Corea con el apoyo de la Asociación de Amistad Paraguay - Corea, la Asociación de Paraguayos en la República de Corea, la Cámara de Comercio Paraguay - Corea (E.F), los Jóvenes por el Bicentenario Paraguayo, la Fundación KAYA, el Consejo del Bicentenario Paraguayo (que se conformará el próximo 19 de noviembre del corriente) y la empresa Chungbo. Por su parte, la empresa CJ Corporation auspiciará la iluminación de la Torre de Seúl.
lunes, 15 de noviembre de 2010
Korea’s Women of the Sea (Haenyeo)
The no. 1 search word related to Jeju Island of Korea is hands down the “Ollegil (Olle Road).” Just thinking about taking a walk on Ollegil, especially in the autumn with all this beautiful foliage, lifts one’s mood.
Some while ago, though, before Ollegil came to be such a hot tourist spot, the first thing that came to one’s head thinking about Jeju used to be the “haenyeo,” the sea women; they are female divers in the Korean province of Jeju.
The women born in Jeju had to earn a living either by farming crops or picking sea products. The haenyeo often represents a harsh and strenuous life.
What used to amount to as many as 15,000 haenyeo in 1970 has now plummeted down to a mere third of that number; and most of them are over seventy years of age at that, meaning that haenyeo are fast disappearing.
In light of this sad reality, The LA Times published a feature article on Korean haenyeo, their traditions and current situations.
Haenyeo, Epitome of Toughness
The haenyeo is assumed to have first appeared in the primeval! era when people started turning to the sea for food. It goes similar for the haenyeo of Jeju as well, based upon the age of the shrines on the island built for the safety of fishermen and haenyeo. There are several ancient proverbs and old sayings as well that describe Jeju haenyeo’s physical strength and their tough lifestyle.
Cycling at the National Parks of Korea
Autumn is the perfect time for outdoor activities; a crowd of people head to mountain areas to see the magnificent foliage.
Well, if you missed out on the peak foliage season, then how about going bicycling? If hiking is about getting to the top of a mountain, then with cycling, you get to savor the beautiful scenery and ambience you have so far overlooked.
Touring Korea’s National Parks with a Bicycle
The Korea National Park Service announced that they are going to add four more cycling courses to the existing four, so operating a total eight routes.
In the cycling programs offered at the Hallyeohaesang National Park and the Deogyusan National Park, you can rent bicycles for free at the respective park offices.
The Korea National Park Service is planning to create extra cycling courses of 20km at the four parks including Seoraksan, Naejangsan, Jirisan and Woraksan.
Choose a Course that Is Right for Your Capacity
When cycling, it is important to choose a course that fits your strength and skills, and also to be mindful of safety instructions.
For example, if you are on a downhill road, you shouldn’t exceed 10km/h by applying hand brakes. As is common sense, you must wear a helmet as well as restrain from using mobile phones or ear plugs to listen to music. And also, should the unfortunate situation happens where on a downhill you’ve lost control of your bicycle, then you should rather let go of the handles instead of holding tight on to them, which is usually the instinct.
Remember, abiding safety rules aren’t only about your own safety; it’s as much about other cyclists and hikers’ who are near you.
If you are one of those who aren’t really into the taxing, energy-consuming hiking business, then you might want to consider trying a cycling program at the national parks!
lunes, 8 de noviembre de 2010
MUSIC+ 2010
Con la denominacion Music+ 2010 fue organizada por un grupo de estudiante de la ciudad de Asan con el fin de promocionar los talentos de los jovenes en cuanto a la musica y en la ejecucion de varias clases de intrumentos.
En verdad fue muy interesante, mas que todo la forma en que los jovenes valoran su cultura, tradicion, contumbres y sobre todo la musica que con mucho orgullo transmiten fuera de la frontera de sus paises.
G20 Seoul Summit Special 6 - Final
Implications, Preparations, and Expectations
Implications and Expected Impact of the G20
The G20 Seoul Summit may be the biggest international event in contemporary Korean history. At this juncture where the developed world needs to build a cooperative system with emerging markets so as to tackle economic crises and set a new order for the global economy, Korea has been chosen as the leading member of the emerging markets club, as a bridge-maker. Successful hosting will lead to an improved global perception of Korea and increased confidence among the Korean people themselves. Also, the summit will be a golden opportunity to promote Korea’s rich past and present – its history, culture, tourism, art, technology– which would help to enhance the country’s international standing and prestige.
To read related articles :
Getting Ready for the Visiting Media
A government preparatory committee for the G20 Seoul Summit is getting ready for the influx of journalists from across the globe. About 4,000 journalists from more than 60 countries, including 1,700 reporters from overseas, have registered. The committee plans to run an information center providing interpretation in 14 languages. Also, Seoul City and other ministries have been preparing a press tour to a series of historical tourist attractions such as Gyeongbok Palace, the Han River, and DMZ. To safeguard visitors to the G20 summit, a total of 40,000 policemen and military forces will be mobilized, and all areas within a radius of 600 meters of the COEX will be subject to special security measures.
To read more about it :
Korean IT Firms Gearing Up for the G20
Korea’s telecom and technology firms are making last-minute preparations to use the G20 summit as a way to present their advanced technologies to the global leaders. Some of the features include multi-touch screen technology (visitors will be able to touch and feel the images); virtualization technology; 4-D image room; mobile IPTV services; 3W network wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA), Wi-Fi, WiBro; 3D TVs and LED displays and numerous others. Also, the G20 ICT Innovation Forum will be held on November 9-10, which is scheduled to be attended by many prominent CEOs of local and global IT firms such as AT&T, Qualcomm, Samsung Electronics, KT and LG CNS as well as the OECD and World Bank.
For a related article :
Works of the Presidential Council on Nation Branding
1. Club of Madrid-Seoul Conference
Seoul Conference (on “G-20’s Role in the Post-Crisis World”) was held from September 1 to 2 at The Shilla Seoul, co-hosted by the Presidential Council on Nation Branding, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Club of Madrid. Seoul Conference was held to draw upon the knowledge and vision of eminent leaders ahead of the November Summit. The Club of Madrid is an independent organization composed of former heads of state and government, formed to promote democracy and change in the global community. Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, H.E. Wim Kok, is the current president of the Club.
2. Television Campaigns
On the occasion of the G20 Seoul Summit, the Council produced a number of television campaigns on global citizenship in partnership with private companies including Samsung, Hyundai Motors, Woori Bank, CJ Media, and YTN.
3. SNS (Social Network Services) Events
A variety of SNS events were held under the theme of the G20 Seoul Summit, including the UCC Video Contest with YouTube Season 4; “Images Come True” Campaign on Facebook, Twitter, mobile application; Online promotion campaign with Daum etc.
4. International Forums
Various international forums and discussions were held to seek ways to successfully host and promote the G20 Seoul Summit such as the Academic Conference on Korea’s Nation Brand (held on October 27), the Council’s International Advisory Forum, Experts Forum, Committee Meetings and other inter-agency meetings.
5. Others
Other G20-related projects include the Foreign Textbook Correction project (revising misinformation about Korea contained in the G20 member nations’ textbooks and vice versa); producing television programs on multiculturalism; foreign media outreach (publish feature articles on Korea); holding promotional events etc.
Check this out !
Korea Communications Commission (KCC) will be hosting the G20 Communications Exhibition with Seoul Metropolitan City at the Seoul Plaza for 9 days from November 5 to 13. The event will provide the people of Korea as well as G20 delegates and the press with opportunities to experience the advanced broadcasting and communications technology of Korea.
To visit the official web site :
Thank you for your readership to
the G20 Seoul Summit Special series!
Implications and Expected Impact of the G20
The G20 Seoul Summit may be the biggest international event in contemporary Korean history. At this juncture where the developed world needs to build a cooperative system with emerging markets so as to tackle economic crises and set a new order for the global economy, Korea has been chosen as the leading member of the emerging markets club, as a bridge-maker. Successful hosting will lead to an improved global perception of Korea and increased confidence among the Korean people themselves. Also, the summit will be a golden opportunity to promote Korea’s rich past and present – its history, culture, tourism, art, technology– which would help to enhance the country’s international standing and prestige.
To read related articles :
Getting Ready for the Visiting Media
A government preparatory committee for the G20 Seoul Summit is getting ready for the influx of journalists from across the globe. About 4,000 journalists from more than 60 countries, including 1,700 reporters from overseas, have registered. The committee plans to run an information center providing interpretation in 14 languages. Also, Seoul City and other ministries have been preparing a press tour to a series of historical tourist attractions such as Gyeongbok Palace, the Han River, and DMZ. To safeguard visitors to the G20 summit, a total of 40,000 policemen and military forces will be mobilized, and all areas within a radius of 600 meters of the COEX will be subject to special security measures.
To read more about it :
Korean IT Firms Gearing Up for the G20
Korea’s telecom and technology firms are making last-minute preparations to use the G20 summit as a way to present their advanced technologies to the global leaders. Some of the features include multi-touch screen technology (visitors will be able to touch and feel the images); virtualization technology; 4-D image room; mobile IPTV services; 3W network wideband code division multiple access (WCDMA), Wi-Fi, WiBro; 3D TVs and LED displays and numerous others. Also, the G20 ICT Innovation Forum will be held on November 9-10, which is scheduled to be attended by many prominent CEOs of local and global IT firms such as AT&T, Qualcomm, Samsung Electronics, KT and LG CNS as well as the OECD and World Bank.
For a related article :
Works of the Presidential Council on Nation Branding
1. Club of Madrid-Seoul Conference
Seoul Conference (on “G-20’s Role in the Post-Crisis World”) was held from September 1 to 2 at The Shilla Seoul, co-hosted by the Presidential Council on Nation Branding, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade, and the Club of Madrid. Seoul Conference was held to draw upon the knowledge and vision of eminent leaders ahead of the November Summit. The Club of Madrid is an independent organization composed of former heads of state and government, formed to promote democracy and change in the global community. Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands, H.E. Wim Kok, is the current president of the Club.
2. Television Campaigns
On the occasion of the G20 Seoul Summit, the Council produced a number of television campaigns on global citizenship in partnership with private companies including Samsung, Hyundai Motors, Woori Bank, CJ Media, and YTN.
3. SNS (Social Network Services) Events
A variety of SNS events were held under the theme of the G20 Seoul Summit, including the UCC Video Contest with YouTube Season 4; “Images Come True” Campaign on Facebook, Twitter, mobile application; Online promotion campaign with Daum etc.
4. International Forums
Various international forums and discussions were held to seek ways to successfully host and promote the G20 Seoul Summit such as the Academic Conference on Korea’s Nation Brand (held on October 27), the Council’s International Advisory Forum, Experts Forum, Committee Meetings and other inter-agency meetings.
5. Others
Other G20-related projects include the Foreign Textbook Correction project (revising misinformation about Korea contained in the G20 member nations’ textbooks and vice versa); producing television programs on multiculturalism; foreign media outreach (publish feature articles on Korea); holding promotional events etc.
Check this out !
Korea Communications Commission (KCC) will be hosting the G20 Communications Exhibition with Seoul Metropolitan City at the Seoul Plaza for 9 days from November 5 to 13. The event will provide the people of Korea as well as G20 delegates and the press with opportunities to experience the advanced broadcasting and communications technology of Korea.
To visit the official web site :
Thank you for your readership to
the G20 Seoul Summit Special series!
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